Kerrang Magazine
From looking at the title block, if you knew that Kerrang is the sound made from an electrical guitar then you would be able to guess that the genre of music is rock. However if you didn’t know that then from just looking at the title you might be able to guess that the genre is heavy metal or rock as the word Kerrang is a very dominating and powerful word.
Q Magazine
In addition to this the title ‘Q’ implies that the magazine is going to be very different and original as very few magazines have a letter just for its title. Thus indicating to the audience its originality and its unique personality.
The title ‘Q’ actually misleads readers about the target audience; because from how the title block is presented you get the impression that the target audience would be fans of classical music. However from the overall front cover ‘Q’ is a hip hop/pop magazine this could be an indication to the audience that the magazine will surprise you.
NME Magazine
The title itself does not give any information on the surface about who the target audience could be, however if you think about the fact that there is no obvious target audience this could imply that the magazine is a magazine that can be read and enjoyed by people of all ages and by people who like different genres of music as well.