The contents page does use quite a lot of images scattered all over the contents page. The images have been constructed using a mixture of shots including long shots, close ups, two shots and the majority of shots are mid shots. This has been done to support what I initially found out about the front page, which was that the magazine wants to create a close and personal relationship with the audience they are doing this by using a variety of shots of bands/musicians that the audience will know and might not know. The images have also been constructed with direct and indirect mode of addresses, this has been done to help create and define a sense of individuality between the audience and the band/musician.
The information has been organised into different sections which are clearly outlined by lines boxing in the selected section, e.g. ‘ 32 “I can understand why pop has a bad reputation” Robyn one-women crusader against pop pap’ to make it easier for the audience to see clearly each section also making it easier for the audience to find a particular article if required. Moreover the information has been organised by making it black contrasting it to the white background, thus making it easier and quicker for the audience to access the information required. Lastly by the magazine organising it so that the images are placed in accordance to where the related articles making it so that all the reader has to do is glance at the image and easily find the information telling the reader where the related article is. In addition the colours used on the contents page are almost identical to those used on the front cover, red, white and black. The fonts are the same as the front cover as well bold, capital letters and eye drawing.
On the contents page there is only one promotional feature and this is ‘Want to get NME for the best price possible?’ This has been done by the magazine to give the impression that NME are giving the audience the best deal which in turn encourages the reader to buy NME on a more permanent basis. The magazine does not have any franchises on the contents page as they do not have any on the front page, the only form of advertisement is on the opposite page of the contents page, the inside cover, which is for a well known sports company ‘The Duffer of St. George’. Initially it is a surprise that the magazine logo is not placed on the contents page, however if you think about it, it does make sense for the logo not being on the contents page as from the front cover we get the impression that the magazine is bold and does the unexpected.
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